ひとくちコラム One point column
February to March, from winter to spring, when the seasons change, it's easy to become in poor physical condition. If the body, does not properly relax in preparation for spring, which has stiffened to protect itself from the cold, stiff shoulders, sensitivity to cold, back pain, etc. can occur. If it's too bad, it's best to go to the hospital, but first of all, take a relaxing bath, get a good night's sleep, and do moderate exercise to loosen the tension in your body and welcome spring.
A lot has happened in 2022, and we are now in the last few days of the year. It's been a tough year with natural disasters, COVID19, constant conflicts around the world, and many violent incidents in Japan. On the other hand, it was also a year that began with the Beijing Winter Olympics and ended with the World Cup. Let us look back on each year and build a solid life for the new year.
This summer started with extremely hot temperatures then heavy rain and unstable weather will still continue.
If you can't keep up with changes of the climate and you don't feel good, stimulate and regulate the function of the autonomic nerves. Taking breakfast well, taking lukewarm bath slowly before go to bed etc. are told effective.
According to the "How to spend summer vacation questionnaire" for the second summer vacation under the corona pandemic, the most common responses were "shopping / eating out nearby", "enjoying games / movies at home", and "day trips". How about you? Was it good rest for you? The heat still continues for a while. Please try to manage your physical condition so that you will not get sick after returning to work.
2021/6 コロナ感染は第4波を迎え、小康状態には程遠い状況です。感染した人も身近に増えてきました。ワクチン接種も徐々に進んでいますが、まだまだ基本の予防は欠かせません。マスク、手洗い、空気の入れ替え、加えて、多人数での食事は避ける、ホームパーティやバーベキューも要注意です。
Corona infection has reached the fourth wave, and it is far from a lull. The number of infected people around us is increasing. Vaccination is gradually progressing, but basic prevention is still indispensable. Masks, hand washing, air changes, avoid eating with large number of people and also be careful with the home
parties and BBQ.
2021/5 ゴールデンウィーク明け、生活のリズムは戻りましたか? コロナ禍で以前のように楽しめず、休みが終わっても今一つ気持ちの切り替えが出来ない、という方もいるのではないでしょうか。気持ちの不調は長引くと仕事にも影響が出たり、身体の不調にもつながります。自分でおかしいなと思ったら周りの人に相談してください。また周囲の人の変わった様子に気が付いたら、「大丈夫?」と声を掛けてみてください。
Has your usual routine gotten back after holiday? May some of you couldn't enjoy the holidays as usual due to the corona crisis
and can’t change your feeling even after.
Prolonged disorder of feelings can affect work and lead to physical disorder. If you think something is wrong with yourself, please consult with the people around you. Also, if you notice something wrong with the people around you, ask them if they are alright.
2021/4 コロナ禍での2回目のゴールデンウィーク、皆さんはどう過ごしますか。基本はステイホームですが、楽しみ方も最近は充実してきました。定番の映画・ドラマ鑑賞、最近コンテンツが充実してきたのはオンライン体験ツアー、画面を通して遠くの家族や友人とつながるオンライン帰省やオンライン飲み会もいいですね。それでもたまには息抜きに出掛ける時は、近場で人込みを避けてアウトドアを楽しみましょう。
注意! 仕事中にケガをしたらすぐに現場責任者(上司)とサンリョースタッフに報告してください。現場を離れたあとにケガに気が付いた場合でも、ほんのちょっとしたケガでも必ず報告が必要ですよ。
What is your plan for the coming second Golden Week with COVID-19? Basically, you should "Stay home". But recently the way to enjoy home has improved. Watching movies and TV dramas, online experience tours that have recently been enriched with content, online homecoming and online drinking parties with family and friends far away through the PC/smartphone are also good. Even so, when you go out to take a break sometimes, avoid the crowds and enjoy the outdoors.
Attention! If you get injured during work, please report it to the site manager (your boss) and Sanryo staff immediately. Even if you notice an injury after leaving the workplace or it looks minor injury, you should always report to both.
It has been a year since COVID-19 started to spread worldwide. It seems that it will take some time to be stamped out, but during this time, we have learned a lot about the infection route. The infection prevention measure we should take is still to avoid the 3 Cs, wear a face mask. It is said that COVID-19 is most often infected by droplets due to face-to-face chatting. Avoid eating with a large number of people as much as possible, and sit side by side instead of face-to- face to eat and hat. Establish a new style in your daily life
We know that you are undergoing regular health checkups and stress questionnaire.
Did you use the result data after the checkup? Check out the data properly to know your physical condition and stress condition, and use it for prevention, early detection and early treatment of illness. If you have any questions or concerns about the checkups result, contact to the consulting desk of the company. We also accept career consulting consultations.
Happy New Year.
Dear everybody, how did you spend New Year days? Did you enjoy a new way of spending holiday in a different style than before?
Let's take care of physical and mental health and live a fulfilling work life this year as well.
Year 2020, the new coronavirus changed our lives. Facial mask and social distances have become firmly established in our lives. You may find it inconvenient, but let's devise a way of daily life so as not to accumulate stress and welcome a calm New Year.
It's getting cold. It’s a season to enjoy with our family and friends in a warm room. But this year, be careful before getting together! Is it not too many people? Ventilate properly? Not sharing tableware and glasses? Follow the rules and reduce the risk of infection with COVID-19.
As the spread of COVID-19, an outbreak of seasonal flu at the same time is worried for the coming winter. Flu and COVID-19 infections are said to be difficult to distinguish, because of their similar symptoms. If you have a fever, first consult a nearby clinic or your doctor by phone. If they support COVID-19, you could be examined and treated there. If not, ask them to introduce the medical institution which gives you a medical care.
The intense heat has lessened somewhat. As the air is getting drier, the temperature drops suddenly at night, be careful as you may catch a cold. And also remember to take measures against the corona virus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Multilingual Guide:https://www.covid19-info.jp/.
まだまだ暑い日が続きますので、 気持ちを切り替えて、コロナ対策、熱中症対策を万全にして仕事に取り掛かってください。
How was your summer vacation? Were you able to relax?
The days are still hot, so please change your mind and take measures against COVID-19 and heat stroke before you start to work.
During this rainy season, we have to be careful about our daily life such as heat stroke, food poisoning and disaster prevention. In addition, there are measures against COVID -19. Keep your daily life as normal as possible, stay healthy, and stay in touch with friends, acquaintances, and colleagues at work so that you always have the right information. It would be great if we could care for each other and live a more comfortable life. If you have something you don't understand or worry about, please contact the person at the office anytime.
蒸し暑い日々が続いています。通常通りに出勤している人も、休業中の人も、体調やメンタル面など、変わりありませんか? 気温が高くなっても身体はまだ十分に順応できていないこの時期は、熱中症になりやすい時期でもあります。職場や家の中でも、体温の上昇を感じてめまいや立ちくらみがしたら、水を飲んだり、涼しいところで休んだり、早目の対応を心がけましょう。
The hot and humid days continue. The person who are standing by at home under the influence of COVID-19, or who are working as usual, are you OK in physical or mental condition? At this time, when the temperature became high but our body is not acclimatizing enough, it is easy for get heat stroke. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded at work or at home due to an increase in body temperature, drink water, take a rest in a cool place, let's take early action.
Os dias quentes e úmidos continuam. A pessoa que está esperando em casa sob a influência do COVID-19, ou que está trabalhando normalmente, você está bem em condição física ou mental? Neste momento, quando a temperatura ficou alta, mas nosso corpo não está se acostumando o suficiente, é fácil obter insolação. Se você se sentir tonto ou atordoado no trabalho ou em casa devido a um aumento da temperatura corporal, beba água, descanse em um local fresco, vamos tomar medidas imediatas.
It's been four months since new coronavirus (COVID-19) measures started, and we are getting used to wear masks and hand washing. But, as the temperature rises, a new problem that the heat stroke due to masks is likely to emerge. If we keep wearing the mask in the heat, the surface temperature of our face will rise considerably. To avoid this, it is necessary to take further measures like corona measures + heat stroke measures, such as increasing breaks, rehydrating, removing masks in cool places to cool the body.
Faz quatro meses desde o início das novas medidas do coronavírus (COVID-19), e estamos nos acostumando a usar máscaras e lavar as mãos. Mas, à medida que a temperatura aumenta, é provável que surja um novo problema de insolação devido a máscaras. Se continuarmos usando a máscara no calor, a temperatura da superfície do nosso rosto aumentará consideravelmente. Para evitar isso, é necessário tomar medidas adicionais, como medidas de coroa + medidas de insolação, como aumento de pausas, reidratação, remoção de máscaras em locais frescos para resfriar o corpo.
新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)による深刻な事態が続いています。いつどこで感染するかわからないというのは不安なものですね。基本的な自衛策として、風邪や季節性インフルエンザ対策と同様に咳エチケット(咳やくしゃみをする際に、ハンカチ、袖を使って、口や鼻をおさえる) や手洗いなどの実施がとても重要です。感染症対策に努めてください。また、不要不急の外出は止め、自分自身も感染しない、また感染源にならないよう十分注意しましょう。
Serious situations due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) continue. Truly, it's uneasy thing that does not know when and where we get infection. As a basic self-defense measure, it is very important to carry out SEKI(cough) etiquette (use a handkerchief or sleeve to hold your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing) and hand washing as well as measures against colds and seasonal flu. Please take measures against infectious diseases. In addition, please stop going out that not urgent, and let's be careful not to be infected person and not to become source of infection.
Situações graves devido ao novo coronavírus (COVID-19) continuam. É algo desconfortável que não sabe quando e onde temos infecção. Como medida básica de autodefesa, é muito importante executar a etiqueta da SEKI (tosse) (use um lenço ou manga para segurar a boca e o nariz ao tossir ou espirrar) e lavar as mãos, bem como medidas contra resfriados e gripes sazonais. Por favor, tome medidas contra doenças infecciosas. Além disso, tome cuidado para não sair se não estiver em uma emergência e tenha muito cuidado para não se infectar ou se tornar uma fonte de infecção.
2020/3 新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)に関して
小中学校の臨時休校、集会等の自粛など、日常生活も大きく混乱しています。私たちが注意すべきこととして、出来るだけ人混みは避ける、こまめな手洗いと手指の消毒をする、などがあります。発熱など風邪の症状があるときは仕事を休んで外出は控えましょう。37・5度以上の発熱が4日以上続く時、強いだるさや息が苦しいなどの症状がある時はすぐに相談センターに相談してください。また、一時帰国は自粛をお願いします。一時帰国した場合、日本到着後2週間程度の自宅待機が必要となります。厚生労働省の電話相談窓口 0120-565-653(午前9時~午後9時土日祝日も対応)
About Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Such as temporary closure of schools, self-control of meeting etc., daily life is very confusing because of Coronavirus disease. What we should be careful about is frequent hand washing, hand fingers disinfection and avoiding crowds etc. If you have a fever or other cold symptoms, take a break and refrain from going out. If you have a fever of 37.5°C or over for four days or more, or if you have any symptoms such as strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or difficulty breathing, consult a consultation center immediately. Also, please refrain from returning home country temporarily. If you go back, you will need to stay at home for about 2 weeks after arriving in Japan.
Telephone consultation counter of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 0120-565-653
Sobre o novo coronavírus (COVID-19)
Encerramento temporário de escolas, autocontrole da reunião etc., nossa vida diária é muito confusa por causa do coronavírus. Devemos tomar cuidado com a lavagem frequente das mãos, desinfecção dos dedos das mãos e evitar multidões, etc.
Quando tiver tosse e febre, não vá pra escola, nem para o trabalho, evite sair de casa
Quando tiver sintomas de gripe ou febre acima de 37.5 graus por mais de 4 dias seguidos, com o Posto de Saúde antes de ir ao hospital.
Além disso, evite voltar temporariamente ao país de origem. Se você o fizer, precisará ficar em casa por cerca de duas semanas depois de chegar ao Japão.
Balcão de consulta por telefone do Ministério da Saúde, Trabalho e Bem-Estar 0120-565-653
Chocolate is a product you will definitely find at stores in February. So do you know the cocoa polyphenols included in chocolate? It is said that polyphenols have an "antioxidant effect" that removes active oxygen that leads to aging, cancer and various diseases. Active oxygen, which will be produced when we produce energy, will helps to remove bacteria and viruses in the body. But it can also damage normal cells if it occurs excessively.